Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 6: My Absence and The Science Channel

Holy holy crap, it's been four weeks since my last post.  Sorry for that, I hit a major writers block, plus, I've been pretty busy and sleepy as ffffffuuuuuuuu......

So, that being said, how are you guys?  What've you been up to?  Oh, really!?  Wow!  That just sounds so awesome/terrible!  Well hey, I gotta split, but here's my number.  Call or tex me sometime so we can get together and hang out or somethin'.

Well that took a weird direction... Folks, this is what happens when I start writing a blog during my psychology class while the other students give really boring presentations.  I end up just throwing words at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Allow me to explain my absence.  First, the writer's block.  I haven't really had any ideas.  You know the saying "the hardest part of running the mile is putting on the shoes?"  Well, the hardest part of writing anything is coming up with the idea.  And I haven't had too many ideas for what to write these past few weeks, and any ideas I did have, I couldn't really develop.  Secondly, I've been really frickin' tired, which is probably definitely a major contributor to the lack of ideas.  In the last entry, I wrote about a night where I only got about four hours of sleep.  Well, as I was told it would, that night has sort of become a regular occurrence.  Which leads me to my next thought:

I don't really believe God.  I mean, I do, just not in the same sense most people do.  One of the biggest differences is that I don't believe in divine intervention such as blessings, miracles, etc.  I believe in those things, but I don't believe they are acts of God, nor do I really believe in the power of prayer.

That being said, there is a group of people that I do hope to whom God gives the best, happiest lives imaginable.  these people have done so much for me without ever knowing it, and I simply cannot thank them enough.  These are the people behind the creation of the Science Channel, and any people involved in their decision to not show infomercials at the wee hours of the morning.  I explained in the last entry how an infant can basically be the embodiment of sleep deprivation, and what exactly that's like.  Half-hour to hour-long periods of being awake for feedings, sandwiched between two, maybe three hour periods of being asleep can be murder, and you can't fall asleep during the feeding.  Afterward?  Sure.  During?  Nope.  And that half-hour to hour is assuming that the baby falls asleep or is okay with being put down right after the feeding and the burping.  Depending on your baby, that might hardly be the case.

So, it's 3:30 in the morning, and you're tired as all living hell, but you have to stay awake.  How do you accomplish this?

Focus your attention onto something that doesn't require you to have use your hands.  What could that be?

Television, of course.  But you flip through the channels, and here's what you see: infomercials, infomercials, infomercials, televangelism, infomercials, infomercials.  But then, hey look!  A show about String Theory!  Sweet!

I had stopped watching the science channel, despite how much I love it, due to not really watching T.V. in general anymore, but ever since the sleepless nights set in, I've started watching it again.

Enough about T.V. though.  I'm going to end the entry here, it's getting late and I have to be up early tomorrow morning.  I'll try to post again later this week, but that may be kind of difficult seeing as i'll be busy as hell with this new job and the holiday and my birthday.   Also, I got a new job, and I'll probably talk about that in the next entry.  Finally, I'll probably be moving this entire blog over to tumblr very soon.  With all that said, peace off, have a happy Thanksgiving if I don't post again before then.

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